Twas' the night before Christmas, with laptop in tow,
I sit by the window that looks out on the snow.
With the family all tucked in, I have quiet to write
a couple of chapters before I call it a night.
The ticking I hear from the grandfather clock
is a deadline reminder which brings writer's block.
The words are all floating around in my brain,
and I can't seem to catch them, I'm going insane!
The screen of my laptop continues to shine,
it may as well flash a “vacancy” sign.
Maybe spiked coffee would help in my plight,
as my keyboard awaits my fingers to light.
The beverage, though tasty, fails to produce,
the screen remains blank, this is mental abuse!
The tick-tock continues; I stand up in defeat,
I hear a strange noise, so I slow my retreat.
Then all of a sudden a vision appears,
if it isn't a sleigh pulled by eight cute reindeer!
Here comes Santa himself, now I know I'm insane,
I have to be dreaming, or the coffee's to blame.
With a sweet jolly voice, he starts to speak,
assuring me things aren't really that bleak.
He says, "No need to panic, the words will come soon,
you're focused too much on the deadline that looms.
Just look through that window, embrace what you see,
take it all in, from that block you'll be freed".
He dismantles the clock before fading from sight, and
says, “Merry Christmas, now sit down and write!”
Merry Christmas & God Bless!
Patti J. Smith
aka Gridiron Granny