
NOTE: Commentary is made as a private citizen and not as Regional Coordinator for Silent No More or any other ministries.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Looking Within

As a Catholic, I participate in all the sacraments, which includes the sacrament of reconciliation. It's a humbling experience confessing wrongdoings to a priest, but cleansing as well. Receiving absolution gives me the opportunity to dust myself off and start anew.  
I find the most difficult part of reconciliation is not the admission of fault or even the penance … it's looking within and forgiving myself. Carrying guilt creates a chasm between me and God, and my spiritual growth comes to a screeching halt. It's a constant battle, but when I find myself in a place of self-loathing I remember the following:
Psalms 32: 1,2,5,6 Blessed is he whose sins are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed are those whose sins the LORD does not count against them, and in whose spirit is no deceit…You forgave the guilt of my sin.
A final thought:  When we acknowledge our sins and repent to Him, He forgives us. Who are we to think we can undo what He has already done? So praise Him, thank Him and move forward with a renewed heart and spirit.

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