
NOTE: Commentary is made as a private citizen and not as Regional Coordinator for Silent No More or any other ministries.

Monday, December 5, 2022

By Mary Saying "Yes"


Saint John Damascene tells us, “The day of the Nativity of the Mother of God is a day of universal joy because, through the Mother of God, the entire human race was renewed, and the sorrow of the first mother, Eve, was transformed into joy.”

As Christmas approaches, my heart overflows with gratitude towards the Blessed Mother because:

By Her saying, "Yes," we have a Savior ~
By Her saying, "Yes," we have direction ~
By Her saying, "Yes," we know how to live righteously ~
By Her saying, "Yes," we have hope ~
By Her saying, "Yes," we are loved unconditionally ~
By Her saying, "Yes," we are never alone ~
By Her saying, "Yes," we can look forward to eternal life.

Sadly, many women and men find the Christmas season difficult because they said, "No" when faced with an unexpected pregnancy. I used to experience deep sadness at Christmastime because it was the most prominent reminder of how I failed God, my children, and myself. I thought of my babies every time I saw baby Jesus in the manger or in the Blessed Mother’s arms. The regret was paralyzing.

If it hadn’t been for an after-abortion healing program, I would have continued to find myself saddened when viewing a nativity scene or images of the Blessed Mother with Baby Jesus and consider myself a failure in God's eyes. I now fully embrace Christmastime; I have a collection of nativity scenes and statues of the Holy Family and the Blessed Mother with Baby Jesus displayed throughout my home.

Through healing, I understood that because of Mary’s “Yes,” redemption for what I considered an unforgivable act was there for the asking. And because of God's loving mercy and Mary’s inspiration of faith and courage, I can speak out to prevent others from saying “No.”

“…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus” …  Romans 3:23-24

If you are struggling with your decision to abort, please visit the Silent No More Awareness Campaign for healing resources.

You are not alone.

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