
NOTE: Commentary is made as a private citizen and not as Regional Coordinator for Silent No More or any other ministries.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

A Trip Down Memory Lane

My husband and I were chatting the other night about our first jobs and how things have changed – not just salary-wise, but with the equipment used. For you youngsters who follow my blog, I’m sure you will be mortified at the prehistoric methods of accomplishing tasks “in my day”, as well as how much money I made.

My very first job (in high school) was babysitting two kids during the summer.  I was overjoyed with the $100 made from June through August. 

I waitressed and made a whopping $1.65 an hour plus tips (which at the time was usually around $2.00 per table if I was lucky – in fact, I waited on Leonard Nimoy and he left $3.00).

I worked as a secretary for an insurance company while in college and made $1.80 per hour. 

Before I started my government career, I was a keypunch operator and that was the beginning of “big money”.  I didn’t know how I was going to spend the monumental wage of $3.00 per hour. 

Believe it or not, all my jobs, except babysitting, of course, were above the minimum wage for the time. 

Now for the fun part.  Here is some of the equipment: 

And to think I used to laugh at my parents when they spoke of how hard things were in "their day"! The cycle of life (and technology) continues!

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